AD Eagle™ [UHF RFID tag and inlay]

UHF RFID Inlay: Eagle™

Top read range for retail applications

Industry segments: Apparel & Fashion, Logistics

Avery Dennison Smartrac’s Eagle™ is one of the smallest global RFID inlays for retail applications, having a compact size 44 x 28 mm which can be easily converted into end-application usage, available in dry and paper-tag delivery formats. Eagle equipped with NXP UCode 8 offers the same memory size and typical IC features as NXP UCode 7. Furthermore, it offers a Self Adjust feature to maximize product performance in challenging environments and has an improved read and write sensitivity and faster encoding speed compared to NXP UCode 7. The chip has an integrated Brand Identifier function to prove product authenticity and a memory safeguard system to protect business data.

Eagle with the NXP UCode 8 IC, used in retail applications, is the smallest inlay with global performance currently available on the market that has passed ARC categories A, B, C, D, F, G, I, K, M, Q, W2 and W5.

Our Eagle™M730 is one of the smallest UHF RFID inlays with superior global RF performance for apparel and retail applications. Having a compact size 44 x 28 mm which can be easily converted into end application usage, Eagle is available in dry, wet and label delivery formats. 

Eagle™ products are available with the Impinj M730 and M750 ICs, offering high performance across different materials and challenging environments due to enhanced adaptive RF tuning features. The Impinj M730 IC has 128-bit EPC memory, and the 

Impinj M750 IC has both 96-bit EPC memory and 32-bit user memory. Both Impinj ICs are compatible with the global GS1 UHF Gen2v2 standard which ISO/IEC standardized as 18000-63.

Eagle with both Impinj M730 and M750, is included on the approved retail application inlay list by the RFID Research Center (ARC) of the University of Auburn, and complies with categories F, I, L, O, Q, R, W2, W5, W6, and Y2.

The inlays and tags are compliant with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management, which ensure a reliable and state-of-the-art product that meets a variety of application needs, especially in the retail environment.

Please find a comprehensive overview of all features in the data sheet.

UHF RFID Inlay: Eagle

AD Eagle U8

  • Chip: NXP UCODE 8
  • Frequency Band:
    UHF (860-960 Mhz)
  • Antenna Dimensions:
    44 x 28 mm / 1.70 x 1.10 in
  • Die Cut Dimensions:
    47 x 31 mm / 1.90 x 1.20 in
  • EPC Memory: 128 bits
  • TID Memory: available
  • ARC Specification: F, I, O, Q, W2, W5, W6
  • Product Code:
    Dry inlay 3007014 / / IL-603372
    Label / sticker 3007016 / IL-603373

UHF RFID Inlay: Eagle U9

AD Eagle U9

  • Chip: NXP UCODE 9
  • Frequency Band:
    UHF (860-960 Mhz)
  • Antenna Dimensions:
    44 x 28 mm / 1.73 x 1.10 in
  • Die Cut Dimensions:
    47 x 31 mm / 1.90 x 1.20 in
  • EPC Memory: 128 bits
  • TID Memory: available
  • ARC Specification: F, I, L, O, Q, R, W2, W5, W6, Y2
  • Product Code:
    Dry inlay 3008111 / IL-604084 
    Wet inlay 3008110 /  IL-604083
    Label / sticker 3008112 /  IL-604085
UHF RFID Inlay: Eagle

AD Eagle M730

  • Chip: Impinj M730/M750
  • Frequency Band:
    UHF (860-960 Mhz)
  • Antenna Dimensions:
    44 x 28 mm / 1.70 x 1.10 in
  • Die Cut Dimensions:
    47 x 31 mm / 1.90 x 1.20 in
  • EPC Memory: 128 bits
  • TID Memory: available
  • ARC Specification: F, I, L, O, Q, R, W2, W5, W6, Y2
  • Product Code:
    Dry inlay 3008000 / IL-603995
    Wet inlay 3007992 / IL-603988 
    Label / sticker 3007993 / IL-603989

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